Hey! I'm

Ângelo Morgado

Researcher, Software Developer, Computer Graphics Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer


About Me

Researcher & Software Engineer

I love programming and researching. My favourite topics are Computer Graphics, Machine Learning, Autonomous Driving, and Software Development.

Name: Ângelo Morgado
Birthday: 21 January 2001
Degree: Master
Experience: 2 Years
Email: angelo_morgado@outlook.com
Address: Covilhã, Portugal


Education & Expericence

My Education

Master In Computer Science and Engineering

University of Beira Interior | 2022-2024

Score: N/A

This was where I improved my researching skills as well as pollished both Machine Learning and Computer Graphics skills.

Bachelor In Computer Science and Engineering

University of Beira Interior | 2019 - 2022

Score: 16.3

Where I learned everything I know about programming.


Escola Secundária Quinta das Palmeiras | 2016-2019

Score: 16.7

Where I got the basics of mathematics and science.

My Expericence


University of Beira Interior | 2022-2024

I got a research grant to investigate Autonomous Driving. I conducted a research on the emerging architecture of end-to-end. I also developed a framework that allows users to train their ego vehicles in the CARLA simulator using the Gymnasium API. I published two papers during this time.

Store Cashier

Continente Covilhã, Sonae | 2021-2022

Web Designer

Espaço Informática | 2020

This was where I learned how to assemble and tinker with computers.


My Portfolio

These are some of my fun projects that i've done over the past few years. I've only chosen projects that are public on my GitHub, so most of them won't appear in this page :\

  • All
  • Autonomous Driving
  • Computer Graphics
  • Machine Learning
  • Software
CARLA-GymDrive is an easy way to train a RL agent in the CARLA simulator, by acting as a Gymansium interface (github page)
This projects aims to simulate the movement of a group of bodies in space. In order to do that an highly costumizable particle system was conceived. This project was made using C++ and OpenGL. (github page)
N-Body Simulation
This program receives images, interprets them, and generates a description using instance segmentation and crowd pose estimation models. It was made as a Bachelor project. (github page)
Image Interpretation
This is an engine built in OpenGL and it contains multiple cool functionalities. It can be executed in VSCode. (github page)
OpenGL Engine
Template for the Carla Simulator. It is a collection of various features and functionalities that can be used to create a custom environment for the Carla Simulator. It can be seen as an engine of sorts, and acts as a starting point for creating various scenarios for the Carla Simulator. (github page)
CARLA Ultimate Template
This is a project carried out in the scope of the operating systems discipline of the computer engineering course, in an attempt to replicate the linux shell with some basic built-in commands. It contains recursive commands, pipes, and redirections. (github page)
Linux Shell
Application that can control the CARLA simulator through a GUI client, abstracting the user of any code. (github page)


My Publications

Unlocking the Potential of Dynamic Languages: An Exploration of Automated Unit Test Generation Techniques
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Enhancing Autonomous Vehicles: An Experimental Analysis of Path Planning and Decision-Making Processes through Simulink-Based Architecture
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